Mark Zuckerberg is a bully. In 2013 SnapChat refused his $3billion acquisition offer . He was pissed, he went on and bought Instagram for $1Billion,Whatsapp for $19 billion then introduced insta/Whatsapp stories, duplicating SnapChat stories and drove them out of the market...1/3
Now Zoom(a video calling and Tele-conferencing platform) is being used for meeting and communication during this pandemic by companies, people working from home, he is rolling out a rival in-built video conferencing Facebook app than can call 50 people at once, for free. (2/3)
Zoom shares were up by 159% best performers on the NY Stock exchange last week. They tumbled by 6% when Facebook announced its free video conferencing platform.A shrewd capitalist, you can't win against him.The biggest bully in the playground, taking everyone's lunch money. 3/3
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