Some people say to me, "but you have more partners, if you miss one you can just go to any of the others!"
Some people say "oh I get it, then it doesn't hurt as bad when you break up with one!"

Some people need a mighty hard whack with the cluebat. 1/7
The amount of partners doesn't matter. I and my feelings are no jug of water. Think of it like a tap, or rather something like Gullfoss (a waterfall on Iceland I happen to like). It doesn't get diminished by "division", there's not a set limit to it to be mindful of. 2/7
Some people love only one person. Cool for them. I love many, and each and every one of them in an individual way, but no less strongly or intensely than a #monogamous person their one partner.
The distinct disadvantage is that this goes also for the less positive emotions. 3/7
It's crippling to not be able to meet even one, or be able to be a support via anything but text and video chat. Builds emotional resilience, I suppose, but also takes its toll. I live solo because cohabiting Does Not Work for me (I tried, a lot). Some partners live near, 4/7
some live far away from me. A certain stupid pandemic has had many unforeseen consequences.
For me, missing my loves like crazy is one of the more emotionally draining. And at least now, people don't (often) say "but you can just go to another one then". 5/7
Every single one is an individual relationship, an individual love, just like for mono people; only I'm involved in more than one. And I miss them, SO MUCH, every single one. So, I'm genuinely happy for those who live with their partner/s, and don't have to miss them! 6/7
The hard parts are still there, the good parts are there, for every individual relationship; I just have more than one.
The waterfall of my emotions roars on. And I long for each one of my loves.
This thread brought on by a case of #Mondayosity 7/7
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