Y'all like to think you're tolerant and open-minded but you'll like a tweet making fun of picky eaters + ignore all the research in the last decade that connects picky eating to disability, mental health problems or childhood trauma
And justify it as "Oh I'm not talking about people like that!!", as if intolerance of food choices as a default doesn't feed down the chain and harm those who truly can't help it
"Picky eating is a privilege" yeah it was a real privilege to be unable to meet my body's nutritional needs and collapse when my heart skipped a beat due to severe anaemia. Pricks.
Anyway, the NHS could do nothing helpful for me so I saved up for a couple of private sessions with Dr. Felix Economakis as soon as I had my first job. I can eat much more normally now and was even able to finally go vegetarian. I recommend him if you're in a position to see him.
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