We reached meltdown status in this household last night. 11-year old and supermum cracked a bit, because these are unusual, unsettling times. 11-year old has been putting a brave face on but cracked and admitted he misses his friends. A bit of a meltdown is ok.
I've been struggling too. We all are. Everyone felt better for opening up and letting the emotion out for a bit. It's important to do. Which is why I'm Tweeting this. There's a lot of pressure our there, and precious little human interaction.
I am fortunate to find myself part of a loving household just now, but that doesn't mean the situation doesn't get to us at times.
I am very grateful for video calls, as I've not seen my family since September. My nephew is growing up fast. He seems to find video calling hilarious. I take great joy from it.
So ends this thread. We will get through this. Stay safe and remember never to take anything for granted.
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