I saw a thread going around about how good 14 year olds are at drawing 14 year olds in the thread worrying if they don’t already draw like a pro they’ll never grow up to be board artists, so I’m just gonna put it out there that board artists don’t need to be The Best Illustrators
Honestly the most important qualities to being a working professional are the problem solving skills to string shots together and economically place characters, and the focus to make things that aren’t your most favourite personal pet project you love working on
It would have saved me a lot of tears and anxiety if someone told me when I was like 17 that no one could possibly give less of a fuck how good a storyboard artist is at painting.
Hey you wanna know how “good” you need to be able to draw to be a CN storyboard artist, this was my thumbnail pass at a fight between Ben, Hex, and Kevin in Greatest Lake. (Including the part where I lost my train of thought and started drawing beefy dudes instead)
(This is Undertow using telekineses to throw Rath at Hex in case that wasn’t obvious)
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