Today in Global Studies we're using this episode of the Ezra Klein Show as a text for an online seminar about the merits of reopening the economy vs maintaining strict stay-at-home orders vs some yet to be defined third option.
I am now in my eighth week of remote learning and I have to say the podcast as text has become integral to my online teaching routine. It gets them away from a screen, exposes them to unusual voices & perspectives, and relevance, relevance, relevance.
Schools house thousands of bodies at a time and should be one of the last things in society to re-open. As teachers, we should be bracing ourselves for the long haul and school systems should be prepping contingency plans for the fall: laptops, mifi devices, teacher PD, etc.
The Covid-19 crisis has illuminated the wide tech gaps between school systems. If leaders aren't taking actions to reduce those gaps by fall, it's pedagogical malpractice.

This thread is the best I've read on the work ahead.
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