My dad talked about being in line at a McDonald's he'd stopped at and feeling "unsafe" because one of the other customers wasn't wearing a mask. He was on his way home from a weekend trip with his wife to a small beach town about 200 miles north, i.e. breaking quarantine 🤦‍♀️
I haven't been further than a 5 mi radius from home in two months. My sister and her bf made the same trip right before my dad and his wife. They allowed his wife's nazi son to come here just to sleep twice, once with a stranger none of us knew. His wife's daughter came over too.
If anyone in this house has the right to feel unsafe, it's me, and only me, since I'm the only one not still going out with friends or having people over or doing stupid shit. I don't want to fucking hear it. I leave the house to get food and to exercise. That's it.
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