Thread: This makes for interesting reading about cyclists being run down. It touches on a section of Limerick that is one of the worst blackspots in the entire country.

A few thoughts as someone who was recently run down:
“Waiting for a strategy” is about right!

I’ve heard some positive talk from those in @LimerickCouncil involved in the upcoming Transport Strategy (LSMATS) in how they want to approach cycling infrastructure but it’s been slow to arrive. We need the strategy ASAP.
While it’s easy to give out about Councils I personally believe that there has been a mindset shift from councillors and a number of engineers involved in LSMATS. I’m hopeful for it but as with all things like this, delivery and standard of delivery is key.
The article highlights what we need LSMATS to do at its most basic:

Stop cyclists getting run down.

Here’s a quick map provided by @thomasbibby showing some of the more serious collisions with cyclists in Limerick.
It’s absolutely no surprise that Henry St is identified. It’s a disasterous free for all of side streets and rat runs on one end and a four lane highway at the other.
It’s over 6 months since a kid driving his dad’s BMW ran me over on that street. I’m lucky to not be more seriously hurt but I’m still waking up each day with pain in my left arm.
It’s that genuine worry that people hold that our current traffic systems are solely focused on cars rather than balancing cars, cyclists and pedestrians.

Traffic management is about moving PEOPLE, not cars. That lightbulb moment hasn’t hit all Council decision makers quite yet.
Once LSMATS hits #Limerick people need to pay attention. This will define our city for decades to come. It’s our one chance to get the basics to build on right.
We need a network of safe, segregated bike infrastructure suitable for cyclists ages 8 to 80 linking suburbs to our city centre. Anything else will be a failure.
When it arrives I would hope people would listen to experts like @LimerickCycling @PedestrianLK @AilishDrake @cityintersect @moranjohna1 and others who have a wealth of insight into all aspects of creating a Liveable Limerick.
You can follow @davidtobin100.
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