Just finished 3 first eps of Eva, so I'll give my thoughts on Shinji's character in this small thread.
I just want to say right off the bat that I really love his characterization and what the story's making him go through. He's a detached, introverted, insecure person who lacks confidence and self-esteem. He hates it when people judge him, as seen when he was getting beaten up.
His reaction to the fact that he now must shoulder the entire world's fate is very interesting, because Shinji now is obsessed with the idea that he mustn't run away because the entire world depends on him. But I think it's much deeper(sorry) than that. Shinji was convinced that-
throughout his life, he wasn't needed in anything. Thus, he didn't think much of himself and was never loved by his father. However, now that he is needed, Shinji is pressured. He's being crushed under the weight of responsibilities. He hates it, he doesn't want to do it, but he-
has to because the entire world's fate depends on him. Overall, I'm sold and I'm interested in Eva. Based on what I watched, I don't think it deserves the dog-shit reputation it has.
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