Interacting w people is the worst. I get stuck in conversations that are nothing but boring small talk while putting all my weight on one leg for 45 minutes bc they won’t let me go.
You know why I hate talking to people? I never know how to leave a conversation without being rude so I get trapped for as long as someone wants to ramble on about things I do not care one whit about
It’s not that I don’t LIKE them or that I don’t care that their needs are met, but those needs aren’t met by me being in horrible pain and also impatiently bored. I HATE feeling trapped in conversation.
It pisses me off when I feel like I’m trapped in a conversation because I’m aware of social rules that say I must not be impolite but also I hate those rules and I absolutely hate myself when I have to fake being nice.
Why can’t I say “I’ve gotten everything necessary out of this conversation” and leave. Why is that rude. It’s the truth. Why should I suffer to maintain the facade of enjoying aggravating pleasantries.
This is why I think I would be happiest working with dead people. I get to see cool things, figure out what killed you, don’t have to talk to you, and if I do talk to you I don’t have to worry that you’ll start talking back.
This thread brought to you by 45 minutes on an aching hip and the blood pooling in my feet because someone wanted to tell me that she lost the UV sanitiser for her toothbrush and didn’t know what to do. Please ma’am. I’m here because you said you have haemorrhoids 😖
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