A lot of us have added weight in this lockdown and or want to burn belly fat. So I compiled a list of.

10 Best Exercises to burn Stomach fat and strengthen your body.
Before you go down reading through this thread. I want you to note something.

Any of this exercises will only work if you're CONSISTENT. Otherwise you'll just be wasting your time and energy.
1. SIT UPS: This one might seem a little like a cliche because you must have heard about this if you've tried at it. SIT UPS are very effective if you do it consistently. And 20 - 50 Sit ups per day depending on how many you can do will do the magic.
2. ABDOMINAL CRUNCHES: This is also similar to the SIT UP only easier, you just have to lie down with your arms stretched forward. And move up until your finger tips touch under your knee cap.
3. BICYCLE CRUNCH: This takes a little bit of leg action, as it also focuses on working your thighs. Here you raise your legs and you use your elbow your to touch your opposite knee. Do about 20 of this and Repeat 3 times.
4. LEG RAISES: This are more demanding but the harder the better and faster it works. Lay down flat on your back. With your arms stretched beside you. Not under ur laps. Beside you. And Raise your legs up to an Angle 90. 15 of this, 3 times is good.
5. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER: This exercise strengthens your entire body, because it requires a lot of action. Although it's quite easy. Start in a position like the push up. Then kick your knees forward. Like to touch your chest. Do for both legs. 25 of this, 3 to 4 times is okay.
6. PLANK: This exercise really strengthens your core as much as it works on your abs. Lie on your elbows with your legs stretched out. And set a timer. 30 seconds is good for a starter. 1 minute is better.
7. RUSSIAN TWIST: This is an effective exercise for your sides. Also stretches your spinal cords. Sit down, raise your legs a little, and turn from side to side.
30 of this. 4 times is great.
If you want more info on how to do any of this exercises and more, you can just watch YouTube videos on them.

Best time to exercise is in the morning but evening is just good.

Watch your diet. Foodie 😒

And also remember CONSISTENCY IS KEY.
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✌🏽 Anu.
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