omg it's truly frightening how many people seem to think the tracking app is going to notify them if someone with the rona is nearby
Not kidding, I've heard this several times today, people who genuinely think life is about to go back to normal and we will be 'safe' because the app will help us avoid anyone who has the virus
I just butted into a conversation in the supermarket (which is something I would NEVER, EVER do) after overhearing someone say they're gonna get their elderly parent to install the "early warning system" so he'd know "who to stay away from" and he'd be safe, fmd
The people I spoke to today do not live on social media, they're not engaged with politics, they've picked up what they know about the app from the tv/radio news, snippets of gossip, and conversations with others who got their info the same way
In a nutshell, they believe the information being shared between the phones is a person's *COVID status*.
I mean, it's called 'COVIDsafe' and they're telling us that if everyone downloads it, social restrictions can be lifted. This sort of misunderstanding should have been expected (maybe even, dare I say it, intended)
I just want to make this clear, I know the people I spoke to today (except the random shopper). They are NOT stupid. They're just not tech-savvy, and not social media users. They're only going on what little, and easily misinterpreted, information they have been given.
Illiterate/semi-literate people won't read the papers, or the app fineprint. Computer-illiterate people will get their kids to install it. I know there's probably people chuckling about this thread, but there are A LOT of Australians who fit into one or both of those categories.
And a whole lot of those people are preparing to walk back out into the world, with their new 'safety' app, feeling bulletproof.
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