The latest addition of @SeapowerMag has a really interesting article on the Danish navy's plan for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) using the SM-6 missile to counter advanced threats.
I contributed a bit to the article.
Since 2018 the Danish navy has worked to integrated SM-2 missiles into the IVER HUITFELDT class frigates. The frigates were commissioned in the early 2000s, but its not until now they get SM-2 missiles.
In parallel the navy will prepare for integration of SM-6 as well.
Capt. Claus Andersen, deputy chief of staff for capabilities at Navy Command Denmark describes some of the thoughts that are going into developing the technological roadmap for the frigates, which will allow them to pace the evolving threat.
... And we are very proud to support the navy in any way we can.
While SM-6 will require new radars on the frigate, and that may seem expensive, it is really important to consider, that the current sensors on the ship cannot last the full lifetime of the frigates. Therefore they must be replaced irrespective of an SM-6 upgrade or not.
With modern radar technologies available today, Denmark could make smart choices and have the same radar architecture on the IVER HUITFELDT and future THETIS class replacement ships.
The radars on the two ship classes could be of different size and capability, but the similar architecture would allow for common and shared spare parts, maintenance packages, training of logistical personnel etc., which would simplify logistis and overall cost significantly.
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