My first thread. It’s all about Kavin.

Pudicha answer pannunga friends.

Reply with #Kavin and #Lift tag.

1. Things that are similar in you and kavin.

#Kavin #Lift
2. Do you have changed/corrected yourself in any of the way after becoming his fan ?

#Kavin #Lift
3. Dedicate a song for kavin. Tell the reason also ?

#Kavin #Lift
4. As kavin birthday is nearing, tell a gift that you want to give him on his birthday.

#Kavin #Lift
5. If you get a chance to do anything for kavin, what you will do for him ?

#Kavin #Lift
6. Are u using/following kavin’s dialogues/mannerisms in your routine life. What it is ?

#Kavin #Lift
7. How u want to see kavin over the next ten years?

#Kavin #Lift
8. If you get a chance to go out with kavin, where u ll go. Why ?

#Kavin #Lift
9. Which is your favourite? Why ?

KKK/SM/Bigg Boss/NET/His shows as anchor

#Kavin #Lift
10. If you want to thank kavin for anything, thank him with the reason ?

#Kavin #Lift
11. Mudinji. Please share your feedback abt the thread and two lines about me.

Thank you friends 🙏🏻

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