So... I finally got around to reading Nielsen's 2019 year-end report. Here's what's wrong:

1. There's a clear effort made here to fill a "K-pop" page. While other artists had individual sections with only their achievements, BTS, SuperM, and Baby Shark are clumped together.
2. One problem with grouping them all together is that the demographic descriptions are most likely flawed. Who are these demographics based on? BTS fans? Baby Shark fans? SuperM fans? These are vastly different communities all being represented as one.
3. This is the only section in the whole document that even has a demographic category. It represents a need to figure out who is even listening to this music, and if this audience is worth appealing to. Why don't we study who the typical "American pop" fan is too?
4. The other issue with grouping them is that it deprives the Korean artists of individual recognition. If they're all noteworthy in the US market, they should have their own sections. If not, this presents the entire industry as growing when it might just be an artist.
5. Why are bundles only referred to in the K-pop category? Regardless of which "K-pop" artist used bundles, there are Western artists in this doc who have used them to a much greater extent, yet the term only appears here. Why doesn't it say "bundled deals appeal to US pop fans?"
6. None of these are musically genres.They're only used by the industry as such, which leads to stereotyping. Can we really group BTS and Baby Shark in the same category? What kind of Latin music, bolero or reggaeton? Is Bollywood Shreya Ghoshal, Arijit Singh, or Badshah?
7. Lastly, the term "local genres" implies that Western genres are the "main" genres of music, while anything native to a country is secondary. It's okay, and more accurate, to call Western pop the international/foreign genre here. Flip the perspective.
8. I bring this up is because music execs read this. You can see how BTS is presented in a way that does not communicate their market dominance or who their audience is. And non-Western music in general is treated as the "other" throughout. It only furthers misunderstanding.
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