official thread of my (presentable) zenitsu scribbles
starting from way back my cyberpunk au that i was OBSESSED with for a week in like.. nov? and then completely forgot about. also the inosuke n a liddle tanjirou to go with it bc i will not seperate them. honestly nezukos design was the coolest but i dont have an ok drawing for it
oh yeah a lot of these r on lined paper i only recently switched over to a proper sketchbook pls forgive me and look at him
there's something wrong with this thing
cant remember what this was supposed to be but i hope he's having fun. almost through all the ones on lined paper
the original sketch of this i was so proud of that but looking back he looks kinda fucked up huh
figure drawings tht turned into zenitsu bc of course they did im me
this ones based off of my favourite rimi card ❤️💖💕💖💕💕💖 she still hasnt come home
we're out of lined paper territory for now the rest r ugly. i predicted violinist zenitsu in november 2019
literally one of my first drawings of them from back in. . october? god im insane
me: can we talk about the soul eater au i thought the soul eater au was lovely
actually this was my plan for inozen week day 6 but i got tired
me writing "LOL" on all of my sketchbook pages like i need to do it to survive
alright it's 3am zenitsu time i scribbled these out like a madman immediately after i watched the sonic riders fandub and i just needed to draw shadows big stupid shoes SO bad. these are two out of like twenty that are even legible
i think the lightning scars would give hashira zenitsu rbf like crazy but he'll always be like That
alternatively; all i'm saying is zenitsu's haori is shredded and kaigaku never accepted his, so,
this man begs on th street for women to marry him
would u let him play u his medley of all 17 pokemon theme songs
No i did not forget about this thread i just feel embarassed to death every time i think about it give me a second
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