there's a lot but here are some of my faves 😂 (a really long thread)

-we walk home together after school
-he's a gamer so sometimes I go with him to computer shops and watch him play
-he also offers to teach me how to play computer games so we could play together
(Part 2)
-he could come with me to shop for clothes or buy gifts when there's an event
-there was this time where he asked me to pick out what he should wear to the party we were attending and the saleslady thought he was my bf lol
-he gave me a rose on my bday and danced with me
(Part 3)
-I freaked out when I saw his friend request on fb so I ignored it for months 😂
-seeing him drunk is the only thing that keeps me sober 😂 bc I feel the need to take care of him and everyone else 😂
(part 4)

-college days, we separated schools which followed different academic calendars. They started at June and I start at August. My mom teaches in the same school he was so I used her as an excuse to visit. I see him and we hang out in the lib so my mom wouldn't see us 😂
(Part 5)
-I went away to a different province for college so I couldn't see him that often anymore. But later that year, I heard he transferred to a school near mine. I often go by that place since my friend lives nearby and we study out in a cafe right infront of his new school.
(part 6)
-I saw him once when we were studying in the cafe across his school but I don't think he noticed I was there and I was too shy to call out to him. I still haven't seen him since that day 😂

-end of thread-
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