Fit thread - fitness/looksmaxx redpill that could bring you up 1 on the attractiveness scale: neckmaxxing

Criminally underrated, your neck impacts how your frame+face is perceived. On show always, the most important alpha trait

Most men have pencilnecks so easy way to mog👇🏻
Easy to train, no gym needed. High reps, five times a week, twentyinutes per session

Alternate super high rep workouts and then moderate high workouts

Unironically think neck is most important body part. For looks, wud prefer thick neck and regular everywhere than e.g. big arms
4 exercises:

Neck extension
Neck flexion
Neck rotation both sides

Workout 1 (super high rep):
150repsx3 on all exercises

Workout 2 (high rep):
20repsx4 on all exercises

Start off with no weight and move up! You'll prob fail the super high rep workout first few times!
Just use your hand for rotation resistance

Slow reps and BE CAREFUL! Easiest way to ruin your life is break your fucking neck. Avoid jerking, low reps, and overextending

Workout 5x a week, split your rest days
In three months you can go from pencil to impressive easily

Like all training, isolation exercises aren't that useful without overall compound progression. So your deadlifts would be building your neck anyway. But add these exercises and you will explode!
This shit is so easy and is really low hanging fruit

Can do it while watching tv
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