Deciding to forgive someone that cost you pain may seem hard, but remember that we are designed by God to forgive.

A thread..
Forgiveness is not a gift to the person that cost you pain. It is a gift for yourself.
We might think they owe us an apology. We might feel they are indebted to us and should therefore receive retaliation from us as a form of payback.
But true forgiveness is a no-strings-attached, total release from anything we think they owe us or deserve as “punishment.”
We will be fulfilled at the core only when we choose to release others from what they “owe” us.
Also, God initiated the forgiveness. God choses to forgive you. God cancelled the debt. So, if God already forgave you, how come you can't forgive others?
But I also know that forgiveness is a process. So, to end this thread.. please help yourself to start that process. 😌 Today is the right day to start.
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