One of the biggest issues I see with the reformed “school of thought,” is the literal idolatry of misery.

There is an idolatry of misery that manifests as false piety.

Suffering for Christ shouldn’t be a call to living a miserable life.
Now I absolutely love so many preachers in the reformed church.

But just like I can admit that the charismatic “school of thought” lacks in proper theology, based on my observations, the reformed “school of thought” lacks in true Christ-like humility & compassion.
Now let me make this clear, we ARE called to suffer (1 Peter 2:21). We ARE called to take up our crosses and follow Christ (Matthew 10:38).

But when you start to idolize pain + suffering, you start to subconsciously believe that your walk must be lived in misery.
You can’t live your walk feeling like if you’re not in misery or pain at all times then you’re not actually walking with Christ.

Why do you subconsciously feel like God is going to “Job” you every time you’re not in a season of intense pain/suffering?
Some of yall have to BREATHE and take a moment to DELIGHT in Him. (Psalm 37:4, Psalms 16:11)

Delighting in God requires a true understanding of His grace. You don’t have to have a near death experience in every season of your walk to be a “true Christian”
To be clear, suffering and delight are not independent. The Bible makes it clear that we are called to DELIGHT even in our sufferings (Romans 5:3)

But what happens when we’re not suffering? What happens when we’re actually experiencing a harvest?
I went through a time in my life when the Lord showed me that I became so wrapped up in idolizing suffering that I couldn’t receive His harvest without thinking God was gone pull a Job on me and strike me with some horrible circumstance.

THIS is why Im making this thread.
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