Having some ridiculous baader-Meinhof with Indy today, after watching the first two Indiana Joneses with the kids last night. https://twitter.com/oneperfectshot/status/1254634165607239682
First, takes with our neighbors outside today. They started talking about their college son's house and how it had a bat problem.
That led to them talking about their trip to Australia and how she had to co front her fear of bars by seeing how large they were every night down there, then she referenced the Vampire Bats in Temple of Doom.
Second, the kids went to bed so we fired up Netflix. First thing we see trending on Netflix is Indiana Jones Raiders.

We watched them on DVD last night, NOT Netflix.
Third: this retweet that started this thread, and how my son was trying g to pick out certain shots in the movies that have been copied/parodied in pop culture.
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