Plantation implies you never had a choice. They never owned you or stopped you from leaving the Party. Black Republicans are a thing. Plantation talk implies Black people are forced against their will to be democrats. It's bad rhetoric.
As a democrat politician, you joined democrats until they came for you. When they ridiculed Kayne, you stayed. We they called us sellouts, you stayed. I don't get why all these stories and none touch you until the democrats turned on you.
There is no plantation. You choose them.
If some Conservatives stop using terms at Black people as if we are hapless brainwashed people forced to be democrats, they'd reach more people. Minorities who are Democrats are not dumb. They make a free choice to vote democrat. Give them by not using slave verbiage.
The same people who say we need to let go slavery use slavery language to describe fellow minorities including our own families. It's unneeded. Most hold conservative values, show that.
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