Fuck it, I feel like showing off my comic book collection
@UmbrellaAcad was my introductory comic book series. This was the first time I had gone out of my way to procure any entire series and read something that wasn't Asterix, Archie or TinTin
From TUA I read the classic Watchmen, and I was probably way too young to read it at the time. I have since re-read it and been enthralled. It was around this time I also started playing video games, particularly the Batman games. This is where I began to really love @DCComics
I really got into the new 52 comics, particularly loving the gritty stories in Death of the Family and Endgame. I was select in which story lines I followed, though, as these books are not cheap.
Of course, being a chick reading comics, I has to get into ya girl Harley Quinn. Although these aren't the most gripping stories, I love her. She's smart, she's fierce, and the DCEU did her dirty. I also own the novel adaptation of Mad Love and it is amazing.
It was around this point I realised that I loved the MCU but had not taken the time to read the source material, aside from some X-Men. I picked up a few different trade paperbacks, but mostly found the stories not as engaging as the DC comics.
A way I have managed to expand my scope is to pick up single issue packs and free comic book day deals. I've been able to read through old Inhumans and Deadpool by doing this.
@gerardway And @ShaunSimon's Killjoys book is a staple for any rebellious comic book lover. The themes in this story and the character layers have me coming back for more and more. I wish there was more to this story, because with just these pages I am so invested in this world.
As my pop culture involvement increased, and I expanded past the basic superhero comics, I fell in love with Firefly (a nerd's right of passage). Of course, due to the series being cut short, I sought continuation of the story. These books from Whedon were exactly what I needed.
In continuing my exploration, I was highly recommended the Saga series. And I am so glad I picked up this galactic, war-torn, love story. The character depth, the experience of this story. Definitely one I am proud to display on my shelf.
In recent years I had started to feel a bit lost in what to read. Getting copies of classics is really hard to do here. The Big Lie is an excellent noir story taking the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew into a harsh present day. But otherwise, I hadn't thoroughly enjoyed much recently.
That was until I managed to find the first run of Doom Patrol by @gerardway on Boxing Day. These characters are wild, the premise obscene, and I'm itching for more (it's on order). I have since watched the TV adaptation and plan to get copies of @grantmorrison's Doom Patrol.
My most recent addition to my collection is Collapser by @mikeyway And @ShaunSimon. Come on, an anxious main character who uses music to soothe himself until he absorbs a blackhole? Do I really need to sell you further on this series? I didn't think so.
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