thread of everything horrible that has happened to morgana pendragon - what caused her to spiral/her downfall and why she IS NOT a villain.
at the age of 10 years old morgana lost both her parents at the hands of uther pendragon (who is later revealed to be her biological father) morgana loved and adored gorlois and she had a happy childhood with her parents and he taught her everything she knows (also trained her)
morgana was taken in by uther pendragon (she had to live with the person responsible for her parents murders) & he manipulated her into believing all magic was bad and evil and that everyone who was associated with it needed to be executed, no questions asked. so she did as told.
but at the same time morgana had started to show signs of possibly having magic with terrible dreams where she saw glimpses of the future at 10 years old & she frequently went to the trusted court physician gaius for help and he prescribed her draught after draught to “cure” her.
since she was 10, gaius had a feeling that morgana had magic and instead of helping and guiding her he gave her all types of remedies and medicine in hopes of the problem just going away even though he knew what was inevitable and forthcoming. this eventually mentally got to her-
she became trapped and scared in her own mind and for years she didn’t know what was wrong with her but she was young and naive and trusted that whatever gaius was doing for her would help her. because she trusted that he had her best interest at heart and they were close.
at the start of the series it’s implied that morgana is about 19 years old so she has lived in the castle with the pendragon’s for 9 years. we see that morgana doesn’t agree with uther’s hatred towards people with magic & we see her challenge his authority as king/guardian a lot.
uther hates this and we see them constantly at odds with one another. also as princess of camelot it is set in stone that she and arthur pendragon would one day get married & everyone in camelot knows this. at the time they do not know they are in fact siblings but uther knew. 🤢
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