The 'Army in White Gowns', Henry Reeve medical brigade of Cuba could not have arrived at better timing than the celebration of the 26th anniversary of our democratic dispensation.
The political freedom that we enjoy today was a direct result of the response by the great socialist Comandante en jefe de la Revolución Cubana, Presidente Fidel Castro.
Having sent more than 300k combatants to the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola in 1975, the Cuban combatants helped defeat the South African Defense Force of against the racist apartheid regime.
Not ending there, they captured senior army leaders in the apartheid forces, using them as bait for the commencement of the negotiations for political prisoners such as Rolihlahla Mandela.
More than 2k combatants fell on African soil during this heroic period. Cuba sent combatants to Africa and went back with bodies, instead of minerals.
Today again, as we engage in another war with a deadly virus - #Covid_19SA, Cuba ahora manda su ejército de batas blancas.
Siendo un beneficiario en mi formación como futuro médico que servirá los más pobres en mi patria, doy las bienvenidas a la brigada médica Henry Reeves.
Happy #freedomday2020 #FellowSouthAfricans.

¡Qué viva la solidaridad entre los pueblos!
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