seventeen as anime boys

[ @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN ]
seungcheol as sawamura daichi
—best leader ! best boy !
—knows how and when to bring out the best in people
—worked so hard to bring their team back to the top
jeonghan as akabane karma
—HELLO .?.?.?!!?.
—best at everything
—sly mfs; will literally assassinate you through a prank
—lowkey whipped for best friend
joshua as howl
—A literal Prince
—can literally go from gentleman to fuccboi real quick
—everyone's in love with him; even witches want his heart
—almost never home aka online
junhui as arima kousei
—piano legend
—romantic !! guaranteed you'd fall for him through words/actions/music
—everyone's got a crush on him, but he's oblivious to it
—is humble off-stage but a GOD onstage
—has fun when he tries new things
—has a protection squad
soonyoung as bokuto koutaro
—Ace player/dancer
—has two (2) moods
—always associated with animals
—makes everything they do seem cool
wonwoo as kaneki ken
—HELLO ?.?.?,!, (2)
—"I'm just a college student who likes to read"
—ten seconds later he's slicing dem ghouls in half
—protects his loved ones
—oshiete OSHIT this guy's hot
—probs already half blind
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