I am so in love with RICE FARMER KITA so let me scream about why it ties in so nicely with what we know of him! (1/7)
End results are no more than a byproduct. There are few jobs where this principle holds true as much as in farming. Your harvest's quality is a direct consequence of how you handle crops even before they showed any sign of becoming anything (2/7)
I think a good contrast to this is Kenma, whose schtick is strategy and optimization. Kenma usually modifies whatever process exists to maximize gains with minimal cost/effort. Hence his post-TS position. (3/7)
Farming takes a lot of skill and knowledge. Some of it is the conscious type you can learn from say, a book, but some of it is knowledge that has to be so innate it borders on intuition--and it can only be so deeply ingrained through repetition and diligence. (4/7)
an aside: rice is a pretty complex crop! you'd have to be on top of your field's irrigation system and nutrient content at every stage. and of course be diligent enough to complete all the steps required to harvest it http://ricepedia.org/rice-as-a-crop/how-is-rice-grown (5/7)
"Adulation and recognition mean nothing to him. He simply does what needs to be done." Rice farming isn't going to put you on a 30 under 30 list. But what could be more necessary than the profession that produces Japan's staple carbohydrate? Where else would Kita be? (6/7)
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