Remember, @GenFlynn is in a unique position none of the other of the other victims of the SpyGate scandal are in:

Manfort & Cohen went to prison for their OWN financial crimes.

Flynn was targeted by a bogus investigation that culminated in his being framed for perjury.
And this bogus case against Flynn was brought by the **very same criminal cabal inside the US government** that manufactured a spying investigation of the Trump campaign & then seriously attempted a coup against Trump's presidency.
There really IS a Special Prosecutor right now inside the US Attorney's office in DC. He's been there for SOME TIME NOW, tasked by AG Barr to **thoroughly review** the Flynn case & check the work of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane team & the Muller Special Counsel.
Just the other day that Special Prosecutor handed off a bunch of documents he found in his review of the Flynn case to @GenFlynn's lawyer, @SidneyPowell1. Those documents are, for the moment, SEALED.

It is claimed these documents are EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE that was suppressed.
Given what DOJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz found the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team doing with the @carterwpage FISA warrants, where the agents & officials were proven to have suppressed exculpatory evidence MULTIPLE TIMES, is it all that SHOCKING that....
...the same people may very well have just been caught by this Special Prosecutor hiding exculpatory evidence that would have destroyed their case against Gen. Flynn?

I don't think it would be shocking at all.
There are **signs** that this long slog is almost over.

It could be these sealed documents are going to lead to a decision by Judge Sullivan as soon as this week.
This had to be managed carefully, with many SpyGate plotters being left in place for much of 2017, where they are engaged in targeting & framing Gen. Flynn while they themselves were being spotted, rooted out, and then investigated and having cases built against them.
As I've said many times, anybody who insists this should have gone down in 2017 or 2018 has no idea what they're babbling about.

This was a military-style counterintelligence operation targeting an extensive criminal cabal inside the federal gov't itself.
You are about to watch the endgame unfold between what was literally an intercine civil war inside the federal government between those fighting a desperate rear-guard action to protect their political masters vs the newcomers who assumed office in January 2017.
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