THIS is the kangmin you should see on rtk, the happy kangmin with the brightest smile !!!! not him crying for the sake of suspense. please remember kangmin like this
kangmin who gets distracted and walks into poles
kangmin who went on and on about liking pentagon and thinking they’re really cool
kangmin who takes twenty seconds to fold a shirt
this kangmin. this baby kangmin. happy, giggly kangmin
kangmin: the cutest maknae who loves his fans with all his heart
self-aware yoo kangmin wants to be called baby !!!! because he is baby !!!
kangmin who once thought a doughnut cost $200
kangmin who had a hat and no other care in the world
kangmin who, above all else, loves kisses
kangmin who knows his role as the cutest boy of all time and plays it well
happy kangmin !!!! smiley kangmin !!!!
baby kangmin
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