ok big catradora rant time because im mad
i always see people trying to put catradora on a higher pedestal than glimmadora bc it’s a lesbian pairing that isn’t just “sunshine and rainbows”, which is a heavy stereotype that surrounds wlw ships. Actual relationships are messy and have conflict,
and it’s true that those kind of relationships are underrepresented in wlw media. I understand that, but there’s do you know there’s another and more serious stereotype that’s connected to wlw relationships? That they are unable to be abusive
There’s a notion that physical, psychological, and emotional abuse can not be present in lesbian relationships, this seems to be the problem when c/a stans seem to sideline the fact that the ship is highly problematic by excusing it for having “flavor” and calling it a day
From a distance, catradora seems like a great idea. but only if you don’t think about it long enough. The history, the tension, the tragedy of loving and hating someone at the same time, like that’s the shit, but if you look deeper, the more fucked up and inexcusable it becomes.
Even before adora left the Horde there were deep rooted problems. Catra had all this hatred and resentment built up bc of how SW abused her and favored adora. She has been told her whole life how she is worthless, how she is nothing, how she will always be adora‘s inferior.
As an extent of this abuse, being with adora made catra into the horrible person she is today. Adora is where all that hatred originated. And when you’re that broken, is it really ok to be going back to that source of everything that makes you terrible?
Being with adora made catra feel insecure, lower, a “sidekick”, everything that made her become the power seeking monster she is today. She loved her, yes, but being with her made her hate herself.
And that alone is INSANELY unhealthy. adora is a physical reminder to catra of everything she hates about herself. Adora is why catra is the way it is. It’s tragic, but it’s bc of SW’ abuse, and going back to her is not a healthy option in the slightest
But this is not even mentioning anything that happened AFTER adora left, which ranges from catra’s having an unhealthy adora to obsession blatantly mentally and physically abusing her, and its just a shit load to unpack
Catra’s obsession to take down adora got to the point where she was going to kill herself and all of ETHERIA just to SPITE adora. i can just keep going here, she’s had several murderous intentions towards adora, she dehumanized her with FO tech to turn her into a killer, etc.
It’s ABUSE. And going back to adora is not going to fix catra’s problems. Going back to the source of where all this obsessive hatred has been building since childhood, its going to make it worse. Catra needs to find her own find happiness instead of looking for it in adora
yes this is bc catra was abused and she’s repeating this cycle of abuse, but the fact is, shes been playing this game of manipulation and abusing adora for years. and its not okay. It’s not the healthy thing for them reunite, and i don’t see it being that way for a long time
Sometimes I get confused with what’s right, bc i understand what Noelle is trying to do here.The message of how you can break the cycle of abuse and get better is a really powerful one, and im all for a catra redemption.
But if after all these years of catra’s abuse and causing adora constant pain, and romantic catradora really does happen in only 13 episodes, that is perpetuating the message that it’s OKAY to give your abusers a second chance and validate extremely unhealthy behavior
With the amount of episodes left, it’s realistic to me that they can coexist but it’s no where near that they can romantically be together in a healthy way. They both need to heal and become better versions of themselves to move on
Because in the end, abuse is abuse, and this was abusive. Let’s not promote that. So ig im hoping with everything i have that Noelle does the right thing... and i mean hey the show has made points about cutting off toxic relationships from your life before so
anyway blatantly abusive relationships ain’t cute, stan the healthier enemies to lovers glimmadora😌✌️
yes this is a thread of 19 tweets no i am not ashamed
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