If you want to complain about lockdown, I repeat: call your representatives, your senators, your governor and your state reps. If you are so mad that you are willing to risk lives to leave your house, because you think your parenting or your business or your drama deserves it...
...I want you to think about the four month old baby who died in Brooklyn last week, the four year old kid in Colorado who barely survived, and the father of my friend who died alone three days ago in New Jersey.

Worried about money? Call Congress and demand universal income.
Worried about unemployment? Call your governor and give him/her a piece of your mind.

MAD, like fucking MAD, that you're stuck in your house? Blame the madman who knew this was coming in NOVEMBER, but did nothing.
But for the sake of all that is holy, don't be the asshole who says I'M SO ANGRY FUCK WHO DIES I'M GOING OUT.

Because that makes you no better than him. Full stop.

None of this is easy.

And we can do hard things. We can. We must.

You can follow @ECMcLaughlin.
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