God help us all, we are watching more Beastars. It feels like a suicide pact.
The deer is like...sophomore theater Jesus?
The rabbit’s been kidnapped and now it got weird and upsetting.
The mayor’s a lion and had his fangs surgically removed to look trustworthy. And he’s blackmailing the deer? But why would the mayor care about a sophomore drama student?! THIS IS UNREALISTIC
The eyeless panda just showed up with a crossbow. The rabbit’s apparently about to be eaten by a lion who is trying to explain he’s really just going to eat her, her virtue is totally safe and he respects her and if there was any more subtext this would be illegal in Texas.
I’m really not sure I can handle anything more upsetting than the saiga panhandler offering to let carnivores bite his fingers off for 80,000 yen. I’m still a little weirded out by that.
The panda is yelling at the wolf about how to fight which is, um, a bit odd.
I don’t think a wolf can actually fight like thirty lions.
Okay, that whole sequence was really uncomfortable and rapey and also maybe you should kill the evil lion before you go to the mood music and the staring into each other’s eyes?!
Okay, the deer yelling “eat me and be grateful!” while waving a gun and cackling is kind of like if you crossed Bambi with Kill Bill.
The endless exposition is a crime against brevity.
What the everloving mother lizard fuck wallabies
Okay, this anime is like if you went into a 7-11 and then it turned out it was a private dungeon belonging to somebody with a 7-11 fetish and you just wanted a soda and maybe some Hostess cupcakes and you’re not sure if you should try to pay for the soda or run screaming.
Suddenly, paper-mache dinosaurs appear.
Okay. It’s over. I don’t know what I just watched, but there was certainly a lot of it.
Right. Okay. Having talked with Kevin—mostly with both of us going “WTF WAS THAT?!”—I would classify this as “what if vore, but also you have to talk about your feelings for eight episodes first.”
If that’s your kink, or you really like to wallow in teenage boy wHat If I’m A mOnsTer angst, this will probably knock your socks off. Otherwise, I’d class it as interesting, but not fun.
Except for the chicken.
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