Hello, my name is grape and i was in a vc with all the people that have been saying death threats to stans in Jawsh’s server. Here’s what I heard and screen shots to prove they were in vc.
- They all joined vc around 9:50 I would say after the general chat got muted when stans joined the server to call out people.
- the first thing I heard when I joined was them saying fuck stans and complaining about people joining the server.
- after that they said that stans are putting death threats in their mouths after looking at a tweet of screen shots from the server.
- than if i recall correctly this person was talking about telling Josh about the 4 stans who joined the server so Josh would tweet about it.
- Emmy than said she was getting bullied by stans for no reason but I have some news for you Emmy when you post shit like this what do you expect to happen. Not saying that bullying is right but.
- They went on to tell Emmy she did nothing wrong and her messages her okay like wtf
- They then, believe this, defended Josh for literally screaming at his mom over her throwing a waffle at him....
- There was also mods banning/kicking people that joined the server so rip to the other locals
this is all that I could gather before I had to leave but keep in mind that they have said incredibly dehumanizing shit about stans so it makes these 10 times worse. Here are all the people that were in the vc and in another vc.
here’s the stuff they have said Incase y’all are banned or want to know, please don’t look his you think your mental state may become effected from these.
please keep in mind that OkayKaci has since apologized for saying these things.
End of thread I will update if I get other details. Please remember these people are wrong and you are all beautiful amazing people that deserve the world 🥰.
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