hey everyone, ive seen that an apex blocklist has been going around and i wanted to let everyone know that while some of the people on that list deserve to be there, others dont.

there's many, many things wrong with this blocklist and ill start off with this:
originally, the creators were demanding money for people's removal, which is essentially blackmail, and is illegal. they changed the statement "pay me 500 or you are nothing" after someone mentioned it being illegal but as you can see screenshots of the original message are above
second, im a member of an apex server that one of the creators of the blocklist joined SPECIFICALLY to spy on us so they can add those of us in the server to the list. this is just overall creepy and shows that they went way over the top to start unneeded drama.
third, there is a horrific amount of wrong information on that page.

i contacted someone that i recognized on the list and this is what they had to say (pictured below.)

for context; the person contacted + another user mentioned called caustic a "sociopath" and the creators-
of the list saw it as insulting towards people with ASPD.

the caustic character trailer specifically says that he is considered a sociopath by many (video below) so the people i contacted, i'll refer to them as irish and hunter, assumed it was okay to refer to caustic as such
they truly meant no harm and were just going off of what the devs said, which is reasonable because that's what most of us do. again, the two of them meant zero harm and were just misinformed.
that's all im going to say for now, this list may grow as i learn new information (with proof, don't worry)

my main point is that some people shouldn't be on the blocklist and that the blocklist was a bad idea to begin with.

and i am in NO WAY defending the people that deserve
to be on the list, i only speak for the peopel that were WRONGLY PUT THERE.

as i said, this thread may grow as i learn more, but at the moment im going to be leaving this thread the way it is.

drama is unnecessary in ANY FANDOM and it makes me very anxious, so that's why i
started this thread in the first place, to let others know the truth.

stay safe everyone ❤️
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