@billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
i ain't even gonna address the lack of effort from others lmao it's not my job to babysit yall and I can't force you to fight for something that you don't want to. sad to see that your band getting fucked over isn't something you want to fight but that's none of my business
so @billboard how has your day been? another successful day of causing musicians hardships? another successful day of pissing off fans? another successful day of you disregarding the importance of music fans. #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
5SOS' album was number one whether you want to grow a backbone and admit it or not. i want nothing more than to sit down with the leaders of your corporation and listen to them try and explain the reasoning behind completely ignoring us @billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
i wonder what their statement would look like? them mansplaining their so called "policy" & acting as if we're 6 year olds and they're trying to explain to us why we can't have another cookie. we're not children but you act like children @billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
are they laughing at us? do they think we're in pigtails and braces & we're just stomping our foot bc our band didn't get the champion trophy? hi, my name's Shelby, I'm majoring in Marketing, I'm an adult, and you fucked over my band :) @billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
@billboard I'm gonna put your logo on my punching bag so i can take a few swings at the people who have belittled my fandom, my band, and myself. the people who thought so little of 5SOS and thought so little of the voices of their fans #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
i'm sorry that previous tweet may not have been the most professional, but my oh my you don't give a very good example of professionalism so I guess... you get the energy you put out @billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
to be a fly on the wall when they realized 5sos was going to win and they were scrambling to write up a policy to justify them fucking 5sos over. bc that's what they did. that policy didn't exist. the created it to target 5sos @billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
how much money ended up in your pocket @billboard? how much were you going to profit off of you manipulating data, fucking over a band, and ignoring the cries of injustice from thousands? #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
thinking bout when i drafted up an 800 word email in 2 hours to expose this..... so @billboard has had 21 days, thats 504 hours, their statement should be 201,600 words if they write it at 400 words per hour... OH! do you need tutoring in math? #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
who is jumping on a plane with me to New York? I want @billboard HQ to look the people they've been ignoring in the eyes. look us in the eyes while you fuck over more musicians. look us in the eyes, bc we're the people who lost all respect for you #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
@billboard when was it that you stopped caring about honesty? when was it that you stopped caring about the music industry? or did you ever care in the first place? #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
GUYS I JUST REMEMBERED i was 15 when I looked at a teacher that fucked me up in so many ways and said "i used to want to grow up to be just like you, now I hope I am NOTHING like you" BITCH I WAS BORN TO TAKE DOWN AUTHORITY WHAT @billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
all we are screaming at you for is to tell the truth you know that right @billboard? it's not like we're asking you to bend the rules (like you've done to fuck them over) we're literally just asking you to speak the truth #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
we're losers, rejects, and the ones nobody wants. it's not new information that we're the misfits. it's literally our brand. but for someone claiming to be "unbiased" you sure don't want these rejects on top where they belong @billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
"Beg me for mercy. Admit you were toxic. You poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket. Now I am the violence. I am the sickness. Won't accept your silence" blood // water do be hitting different on my rage playlist rn
@billboard #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
@billboard this is not my first fight against silence and being silenced. it won't be my last. and it definitely won't be the first that I lose #FixThe10k #TakeActionBillboard
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