I feel like it would be impossible to make a list and say what exactly Japan is like because my experiences as a white-passing mixed Japanese woman are going to be different from a black gaijin man’s, and so on.

I think a good idea is to follow different people here and read! https://twitter.com/ihatecows/status/1254178170644967426
I can definitely recommend off the top of my head the following amazing people:


there are many more but I just woke up and I see people’s avatars in my head and struggle to remember their @ 😂
I think by reading accounts on here and seeing our thoughts on issues in real time, ESPECIALLY during COVID as a lot of weaknesses in many different countries’ systems are being exposed right now, is a good introduction and gives a better idea than just answering questions
That being said! Gaijin Twitter, if you wanna shamelessly self-promo on this thread or recommend others you know that chronicle what life is really like here in Japan for you/them, please feel free to comment :)
You can follow @MissRinAelia.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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