Thank you all for the well-wishes ❤️

At 4:12 pm on 26th April, 2 days after my husband's birthday, Aquila Saira decided to make an early entrance.

The suffering I endured during my 12 hours of (excruciatingly painful) labour was worth it. She's worth it. My husband is worth it.
I always knew I was lucky to have my husband, but the way he took care of me during my labour reassured me of that.

He gently handled my breakdowns, stayed awake to time my contractions, helped me breathe through them, accompanied me to the toilet, changed my bloody pads.
2 doctors pointed out that he looked worse than me, like he hadn't slept in ages. They were right.

I will never forget seeing him fall asleep in the labour room while waiting for me to fully dilate. It was the only rest he got since I was admitted on the morning of 25th.
When it was all systems go, he didn't shout words of encouragement. He sat close and whispered. No one else needed to hear. I listened closely with every push.

I remember this as one of the most solemn and intimate moments we have ever shared as partners.
After everything was said and done, he picked up the sticky baby and smiled back at me, almost surprised that we made this perfect little human being.

He kissed my forehead and said "I love you, I'm so proud of you." But I was only able to do it because I had him with me.
Aquila is not just our little bundle of joy, but also a reminder of how blessed I am to be able to call this man my partner for life.

There were moments during labour where I actually thought I would die. But my husband brought out strengths in me that I never knew existed.
There is no greater honour than to be the mother of YOUR child. Thank you for loving me, and for the love that you will give our princess too.

She may not know it yet, but she has the best daddy in the world ❤️
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