Ok the real thread for the day, not the oopsie teaser posted a bit ago. lol. Sorry about that.

I was driving around with my wife today, getting out of the house and doing SOMETHING while maintaining our responsible social distancing from others, when we were passing this group..
of VERY high dollar houses on a lake by our house. I mean bottom dollar in this area is well over 1 million, and top is in the 20-30 million range. In the middle of nowhere really, but real estate prices are out of hand up here ( Seattleish area... ) on the West side of the state
With that said, I sort of got into a thought process about HOW people get to the point that they can afford houses and such that cost so much. I mean even a modest place up here is over 400k, so I get that we have it a little tougher than most, but not as bad as some.
SO yeah, there is that variable of making more money for the area you live. I got that. But let's say that you take your household income, and multiply it time 4-5. That seems to be a semi-reasonable price for a house based on your income level. Are there REALLY that many people
That are making at LEAST 250k a year to be able to afford these places? And to top it off, this is a summer house area, so not only are these expensive, but they are VACATION homes in some cases? The mind boggles. I guess there are that many Doctors and Lawyers and Finance guys
in the world. Dont get me wrong, this isnt a "I wish I was them" tweet. Well, ok I wouldnt mind being over burdened with coin, but I know it has its issues as well. Its not all peaches and roses. But at what point in their chain of choices did these folks step up and decide THIS
Is where I am going to be in life? How many choices hurt others to get there? Do I believe that you CAN get there without hurting others? Yes. But few do. So again, are there really that many people in the world that are that uncaring about who they step on etc to get to their
own desired end? It appears so.

So next time you drive by some place, and think OH it would be nice, dont forget that you can probably sleep soundly at night knowing that you havent had to hurt others by your choices to get there. Again not all that are there HAVE, but many do
Sleep well in the knowledge that you are a good person who can look themselves in the mirror at night for doing the right thing as often as possible.

This will irritate someone Im sure, and for that I apologize in advance. Get over it. kek.
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