One of the dumbest employment patterns I've seen at companies is a bunch of bad folks hiring a person better than them who's very promising and excited. Little by little, that person is broken down with unfair rejections until they reach a fork in the road...
...where they either quit and join a good company with good people or stay and compromise their values. I faced that choice and quit to work with excellent people that brought me to the top of the software industry. This is not what this thread is about...
...It's about people who choose to stay despite how awful their employer is. They think there is value in being tough when doing what is wrong. Somehow, they think that if they survive the wrong being done to them, they've made it, when it's the opposite...
...Eventually, their story always ends with outside consultants getting hired to show them how it's really done, losing their job as a result, or with them fully becoming one of the bad folks at the company who mistreat other people and commit unethical acts...
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