The Suppressed History of the Struggle Between the Serpent and Eagle Bloodlines.

Part II

"How sharper than the serpent's tooth is the pain caused by a thankless child" - Shakespeare
In the first thread, I explained the history of the war between the empire of Atlantis and it's European colonies represented by the image of a Serpent and an Eagle.

I will now delve more into the (distorted) historical memory of this event and Atlantean beliefs then and today
All historical myths of a war between the gods or Titans found in many if not all, the world's ancient cultures stem from the collective memory of the great struggle for supremacy between Atlantis and her rebellious colonies.
Likewise, the monotheistic Faiths of today remember this war as one in Heaven in which Lucifer (representing the "light-bearer", i.e, the gnostic religion/system of illumination believed by Atlanteans)being expelled from Paradise by Angels (representing the patriarchy of the 🦅
The memory of this is preserved in writing like the ancient Hebrew scriptures:

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weakens the nations!"

~Isaiah 14:12
Since the Bible is not a single book but a compilation of different ones written by different authors, we see conflicting views of serpent imagery.
The author of Genesis portrays the serpent as an evil, mischievous creature who tempts Adam and Eve, this causing their fall...
...from Divine grace and protection.

Yet later in the Torah, we see images of the serpent as a symbol of healing and enlightenment, symbolized by Moses lifting a bronze serpent on a poll for the healing of Israel.
Jesus Christ (believed by many to be of the Serpent/dragon bloodline) also counsels his disciples to be "therefore wise as serpents" (Mathew 10:16).

To Jesus then, the serpent as seen as an image of Divine wisdom, not a personification of evil.
What happened to this ancient bloodline once they fled the destroyed Atlantis?

As mentioned before, many fled to other parts of the world. Their direct descendants are usually associated with the rare RH- bloodline (found in a variety of people with ancient, mysterious origins)
Most notably, a large chunk of Atlantean survivors migrated to North Africa and, from there, spread out into Egypt and the Middle East, helping to establish those
ancient civilizations that they integrated with the esoteric knowledge of their ancestors.
The ancient Hebrews, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and other Semitic people of the Near-East show definite signs of being influenced by Atlantean culture, especially in their understanding of sacred geometry, advanced astronomy, and seafaring.
Another people with mysterious origins are the Berbers of North Africa, also with a high concentration of RH- blood (as high as 40% in some tribes). They also have a sizable % with blond hair, fair skin, and blue eyes.
Both the Celtic and Semitic people can, therefore, be seen as part of the same race yet divided between Eastern and Western branches (each having a traditionally high concentration of subgroups with RH- blood).
Similar examples can be seen with Amerindian tribes such as the Maya
Tomorrow, I'll look at the survival of ancient Atlantean teachings and ideas from ancient times until the present day (mainly through certain bloodlines and secret societies that have preserved them for centuries under the noses of the dominating Eagle culture).
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