As expected, the selfish "but meeeeee" whiners are complaining about my thread slamming their immature complaining about staying home while 55,000 people died. So, let's address their points & slam the hell out of them again.

Wonderfully, it ends up the boy Lincoln survived.../1
...somehow, there are actually people who think saying "Oh, that boy lived" addresses the issue of 55,000 families mourning their perished loved ones.

Another whined "Oh, but not many children die of COVID." Ok, fine. But pointing out that other people's children ARE dying.../2
...still goes directly to the fact theyre complaining that their kids are bored. PLUS, their kids are bored because they are staying home so that other people - including kids - dont die.

Let's reduce this to 1 person. One out of 55,000. Then tell me we should all pity you.../3
...a member of my family died. My sister is a young widow. My niece went online and posted something - not a WORD of complaint, but memories of her father and thanks to the medical staff that tried to save him. No whining. No complaining.

You think we should pity YOU because../4
..because you can't go out for dinner? Did one of you - who snuck out and infected someone who infected someone who infected someone who went to the grocery store and infected my brother in law - kill my family member? Maybe. Every tweet-complaint I read, I wonder about that.../5
...some of you justify your selfishness by saying "People working at grocery stores dont have child care, women in abusive relationships are stuck with abusers." Yah, like THATS who Im talking about.

Dont cloak your selfishness with the suffering of people actually suffering../6 complain you're bored and go online to whine about it? Fuck you.

You complain your kids are bored when other families have lost kids and parents? Fuck you.

You complain when you are healthy and safe and 55,000 other families are dealing with death? Fuck you even more../7
...rationalize, justify, nit pick all you want. But I want you to go online, find families who lost loved ones (theyre easy to find) and send them a message: "Your mom/grandparent/sibling/child died? Well, *I* can't go to the beach. Pity ME." See what kind of response you get../8
..people are dying. We stay inside so more people wont die. This isn't just about YOU. This is a moment to be noble, to sacrifice a little bit for our collective safety.

And dont whine when you know people who have dead family members could be reading your trivial complaints../9
..with 55,000 dead, if someone slams you for whining about not getting a haircut, take it.

People didnt whine "Sure, 3,000 died on 9/11. But *WE* had to cancel our trip to NYC. Pity ME."

The difference in the kind of selfishness shown in that? 55,000 died this time. So far

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