Cancer patients chemotherapy 4 * out-of-pocket cost as others I've been in chemo since 2016 until exhausted my resources I need help for my monthly life extending chemo can you donate now
PayPal [email protected]
Venmo @Robert-Gillespie-23.
CashApp $MarcoDad
I have spent my life savings sold my home the most popular sessions if I'm a cancer fight now I must ask for donations to continue to fight this cancer out of pocket expenses can be $12,000 a month so it takes days to raise the funds needed
Exhausting and humiliating to try and raise money this way and I would rather do anything else but I have to especially for my son im his only parent and he needs me I would do anything for more time with him
Join my fight help give me more life get my son and I precious gift more time together please donate now
PayPal [email protected]
Venmo @Robert-Gillespie-23
CashApp $MarcoDad
Back to fundraising I've been sick since last treatment so I'm behind but I have to get started so we don't fall further and further behind for the month could you please share this thread if you possibly can please don't act now
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