thinkin about how 12 year old me was a massive fucking anti and how my mindset worked at the time
and honestly? i was just HEAVILY repressing the fact that i wanted to cope with trauma with problematic shit
(ramble thread)
obviously im not saying like 12 year olds should be incest posting on twt, dont twist my words
but creating that content and keeping it to myself wouldve helped SO MUCH honestly
when i stopped interacting with antis at age like??? 15?????
my mental health just generally improved all around
not that it cured me of my problems or some shit but it helped a LOT
when i started creating more problematic content(and keeping it to myself) i started actually coping with what happened to me
kodocon? incest? all this shit? helped me so much
its not jack off material for some people and seeing antis talk about it like that? is fucking disgusting
this is what makes me feel better! and its not hurting anyone
if you dont like these things, block the words, block me, ignore my posts or youll get MORE content like this on your tl
then again knowing how an antis mind works they usually look for this shit for content on their own page
if i wanna post about amanes little dick i can! i absolutely have the fuckin right to do that! and you also have the right to not like it! and thats FINE
you can think WHATEVER YOU WANT about me and the things i like
i dont really know why i made this thread but?? here we are
anyways dont fucking harass problematic shippers/content creators just because YOU think its bad
if your morals are "EW YUCKY!! THATS GROSS!!!" you have bad morals
also sorry if there any fucked up grammar in this i typed it in like 2.5 seconds
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