regardless of your enneagram number, you have likely played the role of either Victim, Persecutor, or Rescuer in your relational history. this is called the drama triangle. #millenneagram
maybe you're a base type Eight protecting a small, helpless part that feels like a Victim, while others have experienced you as a Persecutor. #millenneagram
maybe you're a base type Three or Four who gains self-worth & social capital from playing the role of Rescuer. in feeling misunderstood, you can move to the Victim role. #millenneagram
maybe you're a base type Two or Six who offers help from a place of anxiety rather than true Self (Rescuer), & then resents when it is not valued & returned (Victim). #millenneagram
maybe you're a base type Seven who has watched the drama triangle play out in your relationships & has chosen to blame intimacy for drama & codependency. #millenneagram
maybe you're a One who has played Rescuer so long that, disintegrating to Four, you move to Victim: "no one appreciates my work. why bother." #millenneagram
maybe you're a base type Five who feels victimized by Persecutors who continually seek to emotionally coerce you into connection. #millenneagram
these are stereotypes at best. you have a wide array of attachment patterns, trauma history, & individual parts with individual enneagram efficiencies that consciously & unconsciously guide you through relationship. you have the power to audit their narratives! #millenneagram
i urge you to ask yourself:

where does the scarcity sit in your love?

where does power hold sway in your connections?

don't let internalized capitalist, white supremacist cisheteropatriarchy keep you from engagement that centers abundance.

You can follow @hannahpaasch.
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