Tell me your spookiest stories/encounters!!
So a friend of my mum’s has this old, ornate house and everyone who visits swears they can feel something there. Someone convinced her to hold a seance and they used a glass as a planchette. They tried to ask a question and it exploded.
My mum swears up and down that she saw a humanoid sort of figure run out across the road one night. It was along a stretch of road where bodies were dumped in the early 80’s and she thinks the driver in front of her saw it too because they swerved to avoid it.
Another time, we were heading home at about 1am and following behind another car. We hooked a turn and went round a roundabout. A few minutes later, we were in the same place, doing the same thing with that car in front of us. It was like some kind of warp?
After my childhood dog died, both of us saw her hanging out in the backyard/shed. I think she was saying goodbye.
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