1. There are several issues those guilting the rest of us don’t seem to know about the app:
Point 1. It’s been designed specifically to help feds ease lockdowns. If you download, you may cost MORE lives than you save as you are helping the govt. get people comfortable. See pic.
2. That pic also says Vic & NSW govts have ALREADY been forced to say they won’t allow the app to make them to end lockdowns sooner. Why have they been forced to do this? Because the feds are obviously applying pressure, and will continue to do so. Your download helps the feds!
3. Point 2. Are you aware this fed govt has spent 7 years dismantling privacy & freedom in Aus? Do you know their aim is rampant surveillance of us all? & they use the federal police to do what they want? What the fuck gives you confidence they won’t walk back today’s assurances?
4. Point 3. Why would feds introduce app but not employ more contact tracers & hugely ramp up testing (only Vic is doing this)? It’s becos they’re trying to make Aussies think they’re great, but on the cheap. Getting ppl sucked in doing fuck all is their schtick. Why fall for it?
5. Point 4. Singapore has an app & huge surge in cases. Why didn’t it work there? Becos their govt didn’t protect vulnerable workers but relied heavily on a few actions (like app). By focussing on app we’re all forgetting the other huge, huge issues the govt. refuses to action.
6. Conclusion: by downloading this app you’re HELPING THEIR OVERT PROPAGANDA. They’ll lie about who has it, how it works, & lie about its effect. So if cases rise when they reverse the lockdown, they can claim they “did everything they could”. You’ll know they didn’t, but ..
7. ... the Murdoch readers won’t. That’s all they care about: holding those voters & winning next election. Why would you do that? For something that has NO likelihood of working well and may do far more harm than good? Fuck off with guilting us into “saving one life”. You ...
8. ... have NFI if this app can save one life, & ample evidence of a govt that cares nothing for life. Have you even been awake for the past 7 years? If you’ve downloaded this app, thanks for nothing. Do it if you want but do NOT come at us with your guilt bullshit. Fuck. End.
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