Hey you reading this: You don't have to make good art.

We learn all this stuff because we wanna draw what we imagine. But what you wanna draw isn’t necessarily the same as what feels good to draw. You might love making terrible art which is ok too. Just putting it out there.
No amount of skill will ever turn you into someone else so don't wait for that to happen you know? You'll go through life being like "why am I not someone else yet???" and hating everything you draw.

So just. Consider that it's ok to indulge.
I know some of yall are gonna be like "easy for you to say you can draw" but listen my art is SUPER INDULGENT. I'm not an illustrator. I don't care about concept art. I make fan art & it's literally the same every time just with different people.
So I'm just saying. Maybe what you think is "good art" is actually just an artist who is good at being themselves. And maybe what you actually want is to be good at being yourself, too.
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