Also want to say a bit about what made it possible to get something out the door like this, despite:

- the terror of a layoff at the dawn of a recession
- the ongoing psychological grind of this pandemic and our failing institutions

Super lucky to have had some stuff in place
First, let's be real: circumstances matter.

Everyone has a different situation right now. "Productive" is not something you owe anyone, even yourself, and if you have kids or other people you're responsible for, I can't imagine what that would do for your ability to focus.
My circumstances limit my immediate responsibility to others, and everything else I'm going to explain here should be understood in that light.

No shaming people for not getting things done during the pandemic—not even yourself. Copy?

Regular sleep.

I go to bed at the same time every night. I take some time before bed to wind down, read, and otherwise communicate to my systems it's time to prepare for shut-eye.

I wake up at the same time each morning, have a light breakfast.
This one piece of regularity, by itself, has saved my sanity more than anything else. I've long struggled with insomnia, and with the fucking world burning down on multiple levels, I should be losing HELLA sleep.

Largely, I'm not, because this one routine keeps things regular.

As a night owl, I've always been resistant to this sort of regularity. I like staying up late! I get a lot creatively from that.

So the same time each week, I give myself one night to start up late, one morning to sleep in.
If NOTHING ELSE I tell you sounds right for you, consider this sleep advice.

I've never had this at any other point in my life and the difference for my focus and ability to meet my goals is night and fucking day. No kidding around.

Use an automated system to track your household tasks. I use the iOS reminders app. Use what you want.

Feed the cat, take the trash to the curb, change the litter—whatever regular responsibilities you have, don't make your brain to do the heavy lifting to remind you.
Especially now that we have our schedules distorted by social distancing, having a computer keep track of time and tasks helps me stay on top of things.

When I know I'm on top of keeping my environment in order, it feels like I'm otherwise handling my life okay. Good for morale

Every Sunday, I cook a solid breakfast.

You know all those memes going around where people don't know what day it is?

lol, but also, real talk: I mostly can't relate.

Because my Sunday breakfast ritual creates a regular reference point in the week. Thank GOD.
Similarly, grocery shopping happens on the same day and same time. Part of this is practical: I sorted out when the store gets restocked and is light on traffic.

But also, again, reference point. My week has a tiny bit of a shape.

Lunch is at the same time each day.

Dinner is at the same time each day.

Along with sleep, this creates ENORMOUS regularity for my biology, as long as I'm not stupid about what I eat.
For example, yesterday I had a potato carb bomb with lunch. It was delicious.

But in terms of focus, this was not helpful for me, regardless of my timing 😂
That's it. That's what I've got.

That structure has completely saved my ass while the world goes to hell. Without it, I would not have been able to muster the consistency, the focus or the motivation to get an entire product cycle done over five weeks.
I'm not a doctor or a psychologist, nor do I play one on TV, so I can't guarantee any of the above for your situation.

But what I can tell you—having spent my childhood and a decent amount of adulthood in chaos—is that creating structure has been a lifesaver for me right now.
So I hope that helps.

Also important to note that I couldn't have figured any of this out without the wisdom of @anthrocypher, who is largely much better than I am at creating stable systems for humans. I owe an enormous debt there for my ability to function right now.
You can follow @_danilo.
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