So, what would happen if Trump disrupted the 2020 general election and prevented people from voting? You'll never believe who would become president...

Lets say Trump used the military to physically stop people from voting or convinced enough states to shut down polls and stop voting.

We would not have a new congress or a president elect as not enough states would be able to certify.
Trump would then legally remain president until January 20th of 2021. Then his term would expire. So follow the line of succession.
First in the line of succession:

The vice president would be next. However, Pence's term also ends on January 20th of 2021. Therefore he cannot assume the role of president.
Second in the line of succession:

Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house. She would be next, however, she also cannot take office as her term would be up and since Trump disrupted the election, we would not yet have a new congress or speaker of the house.
Third in the line of succession:

Senate Pro Tem, Chuck Grassley. Senator Grassley would still be a sitting senator as he is not up until 2022. However, since there was no election, we do not have a full senate and Grassley would not yet be the official senate pro tem.
So what happens? State governors would appoint either representatives or senators to fill the seats that were up in 2020.
Under that scenario the Democrats would keep the house and Nancy Pelosi would likely become president. However, appointing an entire house is not an easy thing to do and it is more likely that governors would appoint senators to get this process moving.
There are 33 U.S. Senate seats up in 2020 and democratic governors control enough of those seats to hand the Democrats a majority in the U.S. Senate.
The U.S. Senate would then select a new Senate Pro Tem, who likely would be the oldest/longest serving member of the majority party.

That would make @SenatorLeahy the 46th President of the united states. Congratulations Pat Leahy.
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