This may be my angriest rant ever. And I may be ranting at you.

Lets start here: Meet Lincoln. Right now, he's struggling to breathe in an ICU in Denver -unless he died in the last few hours. His family, the Zimmermans, did everything right. But he still contracted COVID-19.../1
...other parents are mourning their dead children, taken away by COVID, children whose infection could not confirmed until after their lifeless, cold bodies were wheeled from their homes, or from their hospital rooms to the morgue.../2
...the dead children are everywhere, victims of a disease that has spread throughout this country as our government does virtually nothing..../3
....then there are the children who lost their parents - some died while fighting in hospitals to keep their patients alive, some were just victims of a disease that discriminates against no one, it will kill you, it will give you a stroke, it will wreck your life.../4
....AND... people are dying, leaving this world forever, others lash out when I criticize the healthy whiners, who tell me I don't understand how haaaaarrrd it is to stay home, how their poor children are booorrreedd and the parents dont know what to doooo with them.../5
...or then there are the ones who whine that they can't get their naaaiilss dooone. Or go to their favorite baaarr. Or go to the beeeacch....

These six children can't go to their mother's funeral because her body might still be carrying the virus. So they say goodbye alone.../6
...and you think the world should feel sorry for YOU? Because your kids are BORED? Because you want to go to a BAR? Because you want to go to the BEACH or a BARBER?

WTF is WRONG with you people? You KNOW people are dying? How sociopathic and selfish can you possibly be?..../7
...whenever I criticize these whiners - (I have frequently called us all the Worst Generation, pointing out that so many of these people would never have made it through the sacrifices made during WW2) - I get people lashing out at how I don't understand how haaaaarrd it is.../8 want to know why your kids are bored? BECAUSE THEY'RE ALIVE. They are not in a hospital bed, sucking in what might be their last breaths. You want to trade places with the parents of Lincoln? They would pay everything they own for Lincoln to be bored. And YOU complain.../9
...because you don't get to send them to birthday parties. NO. You are going through NOTHING.

You want to be sociopathic while 55,000 families are mourning their loved ones? You want to complain that you can't go to the beach? And THEN you lash back when criticized?.../10
... You want to complain? Do it in your head or in your room or say it to your almost certainly equally sociopathic family members. Teach your kids how to be selfish beyond belief.
Just DONT say it to strangers or reporters or online. Dont confirm your selfishness to all.../11
..this selfishness KILLS PEOPLE. The "I have to go out" crowd are taking risks that spread the virus. Because you want to eat at a restaurant, & live in a state that thinks people dying is a-ok, you could kill untold numbers. Do you think ANYONE should care if you cant go.../12
...what amazes me is the number of people who have NO idea how viruses work. They - including idiots at publications like the @WSJ - say "oh, there aren't a lot of people infected in THIS state! Let's go out!" which is the EXACT kind of idiocy that led to the 1918 explosion.../13
..of influenza. If there are few with the infection, THAT is when you lock down the most, not when it is spreading

So, no. I feel no pity for you. I feel contempt. Other people's kids are dying. And youre complaining that you or your kids are bored.

Screw the bunch of you.
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